United to Love - Baltimore
Inspire. Educate. Equip.
The United to Love Rally is an initiative of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church and is open to all who believe love is stronger than hate.
It was birthed on the one-year anniversary of the "Unite the Right" event, a 2017 gathering of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., during which a counter-protester was killed. The white nationalist group planned on holding a "white civil rights rally" on Aug. 12th in Lafayette Park. We united people across lines of difference to uplift the human spirit, renounce all messages of hate, exclusion or division and unite to love. That is why this event and ongoing work is ecumenical, interfaith, and inclusive of all.
The United to Love Rally is an alternative to the hatred, but it will also be much more as people come together to claim and share God's love, peace and justice. We feel compelled to raise a prophetic voice challenging the climate of distrust and fear, shifting the conversation to our common future.
In many places, the level of anger has crossed a line in terms of civility. It represents a spiritual crisis that calls for us to respond by deepening our understanding of God’s call and filling our own deep yearnings for spiritual wholeness that can empower us to love and compassion without giving up our responsibility to speak out for justice.
We believe all persons are equally valuable in the sight of God. In our faith tradition, we understand that racism is a rejection of the teachings of Jesus Christ and that we must work toward a world in which each person’s value is respected and nurtured.
Please stand together with us, our partners and our sponsors against all forms of hate.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.