United to Love - Baltimore
Inspire. Educate. Equip.
Next Steps
We believe it is time to act boldly and, with God’s grace, truth will be found and we will know justice. We call for individuals, faith communities and organizations to:
Note: Items 1-9 are taken from the 2016 Book of Resolutions, #3422,
Speaking Out for Compassion: Transforming the Context of Hate in the United States.
Develop multigenerational educational resources to build understanding of the systemic nature of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of marginalization;
Provide biblically-based resources for young people and adults that address the historic and systemic roots of hate speech and all the manifestations of hate in our society;
Enter into dialogue and action, speaking out for compassion and against hate. A faithful dialogue requires the courage to speak up without misusing privilege and power. This will include:
Redefining compassion as the process of inviting and sustaining faith in full dialogue.
Acknowledging the wholeness of the human family means willingness to stay in community with those whom we disagree, by embracing both patience and humility.
Commitment to a lifelong journey of personal and collective discipline.
Commitment to listen attentively, respectfully and never using dialogue as an excuse for talk and no action or to mask dishonesty.
End complicity with hate by speaking out when jokes, disparagements, and stereotypes are based on difference.
Creating opportunities to hear from excluded groups about the reality and impact of hate and partner with them to act for justice;
Encouraging law-enforcement personnel to maintain records on hate crimes and to bring to justice the perpetrators of such violence and intimidation.
We call upon faith communities at all levels to create sacred spaces for common prayer and community discussion as an invitation to reconciliation.
To convene conversations in family gatherings, churches, communities, and the political arena about current realities, fears, and the need for faith-filled compassionate response.
Work with ecumenical and interfaith partners to create workshop resources and develop community activities to unite religions in our work to end all manifestations of hate.
Engage in efforts to enable communities to unearth the truth about past and present hate-violence, to bring perpetrators (including state actors) to justice, and to heal wounds and seek reconciliation based on justice and more equitable power relationships.
Be active participants in civic or religious organizations that promote unity and diversity, and work to eradicate acts of hate as well as work with diverse grassroots and national organizations.
We call upon all to share models and strategies for faithful dialogue and to intentionally practice words and attitudes that will help us to find common ground. This includes the practice of loving God and all our neighbors and praying with and for one another.
Join with the Northeastern Jurisdiction (NEJ) of the United Methodist Church in our Call to Action for Racial Justice in our church and our world.